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Rajawali Bus Hit Honda Beat Driver and Died at the Crime Scene.


Rajawali Bus Hit Honda Beat Driver and Died at the Crime Scene.

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COAL | – Traffic accident involving a Rajawali bus and a Beat motorbike without a registration plate collided with the right side causing serious damage, crime scene in Jalinsum Medan – Kisaran KM 123 – 124, precisely in Hamlet VI, Sumber Padi Village, Fifty District, Batu Bara Regency, North Sumatra. Friday 14 June 2024 at approximately 15.30 WIB.

Rider Sp. Honda Beat motorbike without registration plate Poniati (40) and a passenger Sp. Honda Beat motorbike Adinda Amelia (21) with a passenger, Hafizah Salsabilah (10), a resident of Dusun IV, Sumber Padi Village, Limapuluh District, Batu Bara Regency.

The chronology of the incident was confirmed by the Head of Batu Police Traffic Unit that the driver was Mobus Rajawali BK 7178 UA.
Giat Panjaitan (35), a resident of Medan (Leaving the TKP) came from Kisaran towards Medan, ahead of the vehicle directly in front of him (in the same direction), by walking on the right side of the road towards Medan, at the same time Sp. The Honda Beat motorbike without a registration plate, driven by Poniati (40), who was riding with Hafizah Salsabilah (10) and Adinda Amelia (21), residents of Dusun IV, Sumber Padi Village, Limapuluh District, turned right towards the RM Restu Bunda Simpang coming from the direction of Kisaran. heading towards Medan(unidirectional).

So the Rajawali BK 7178 UA Bus, whose driver was Giat Panjaitan, crashed into the right side of Sp. The Honda Beat motorbike without a registration plate was driven by Poniati who was riding with Hafizah Salsabilah and Adinda Amelia on the right side of the road heading towards Medan, which resulted in Sp. The Honda Beat motorbike without a registration plate, driven by Poniati, who was riding with him, fell onto the right side of the road towards Medan.

As a result of this accident, Sp. The Honda Beat motorbike without a registration plate that Poniati was driving suffered crush injuries to the right and left legs, and died at the scene.

Then evacuated to Batu Bara Regional Hospital.

Passenger Sp. The Honda Beat motorbike without a registration plate that was riding with Adinda Amelia suffered abrasions on the face, feet and hands suffered abrasions, and is being treated at the Batu Bara Regional Hospital.

Meanwhile, Hafizah Salsabilah suffered injuries and lacerations on her left hand, and had abrasions on her stomach and was taken to Batu Bara Regional Hospital.

Sp. Poniati’s Honda Beat motorbike without a registration plate had damage to the rinsek.

Bus Rajawali BK 7178 UA suffered damage, the left front bumper broke, said Traffic Head. (Jbond007)

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